Principal's Message

Welcome to Canton Intermediate School! I am thrilled to be joining CIS for the 2024-2025 school year. I am thankful to not only be a Canton High School graduate but a member of the CISD family as a staff member for 17 years. I join the CIS campus having previously served as Assistant Principal of Canton Junior High as well as Spanish Teacher and Head Boys and Girls Golf Coach at CHS. Through my time at CISD, I have had the opportunity to meet and grow with many CISD students, families and community members. Through this experience I have learned the importance of collaboration with our CISD schools and community. My goal as Principal of Canton Intermediate School is to provide a safe learning environment filled with respect and pride to be a CISD Eagle. Additionally, I strive to work collaboratively with students, families and community to provide a learning environment that empowers all learners to succeed. If at any time you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact. It is an honor to serve as the Principal of Canton Intermediate School.
Paige A. Lloyd, Ed.D.
CIS Principal
903-567-6418 Ext. 2007