Mrs. Kelly Cox » Mrs. Cox' Math Tutoring Class

Mrs. Cox' Math Tutoring Class

Hello! My name is Kelly Cox. I have been with Canton Intermediate as a Math Tutor for 19 years. I thoroughly enjoy  math tutoring. I love helping all the students who come into my classroom and showing the students that math can be fun. I am now teaching Social Emotion Learning in the morning. I absolutely love it! If there is anything you need please email me. I will get back to you as soon as possible. May God bless you and your family. 
My conference time is 1:45-2:15pm.
Contact information: [email protected]
                                  903-567-6418 extension 512

Empower others.

Inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more.

Accept responsibility.

Set goals and take responsibility for your future.

Give respect to gain respect.

Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Lead by example.

Do great work, remain positive, and lend a hand along the way.

Exhibit honesty.

Remain honest even when it means admitting to a mistake.

Strive for excellence.

Go above and beyond in all that you do.




7:15-7:50 - Gym /Breakfast duty

7:55-9:00 - 5th grade math tutoring

9:00-10:00- 4th grade math tutoring

10:00-11:00 - 3rd grade math tutoring

11:00-11:45 - Lunch 

11:50-12:15 - 4th grade lunch recess

12:15-1:00 - 4th grade math tutoring

1:00-1:45 - 3rd grade math tutoring

1:45-2:15 - Conference/MTSS/HB4545 

2:15-3:00 - 5th Grade math tutoring

Wednesday, Thursday & Friday

7:55-11:00 - SEL Character Building