Mrs. Glynna Bell is a 4th Grade Math/Science Teacher in her 14th year at CIS. She is a graduate of Victoria High School and Texas A&M University (Gig Em').  She and her husband Don have (4) beautiful children; Emily and Gabriel Gomez and their children Levi and Jovie, Sarah and Nathan Franklin and their child, Juday as well as son Jacob Bell and daughter Addie Bell. 

Mrs. Bell shared "There are so many things I enjoy about being a teacher, so it's hard to pick what I enjoy the most. I love being able to watch my students' learn to navigate life and seeing their eyes light up when they learn something new. I also really love seeing their self-confidence and self-esteem grow stronger. I pray they always know just how special they are- each and every one of them!"

Mrs. Bell also added she loves to garden, read and spend time with family and loves working at CIS with the best coworkers and job ever. 


We are so thankful to honor Mrs. Bell as our October Employee of the Month for CIS!